August 17, 2024

Rally in the Valley

What you need to know:

Rally in the Valley 2024 will be the second competition hosted by K2 Crosstraining.  It will be a non-affiliated competition using Crossfit programming and we hope to attract athletes from all over Saskatchewan and surrounding provinces.   First-time athletes are encouraged! We will strive to make this the best competition you have ever done. The registration categories are:

Male/Male or Female/Female Teams

Beginner - This is one of your 1st competitions.  You often scale WODs especially weight requirements and gymnastic movements but have the heart and determination to do hard things, including at least 4 workouts on this particular Saturday. 

Intermediate - You have been doing this ‘CrossFit stuff’ for a bit.  You can lift pretty heavy stuff like 85lb Clean and Jerks and 155 deadlifts for the ladies.  You can do or attempt to do pull-ups (bands will be offered as a scaling option) and can get your wall balls below 90 & to the line.  

RX - You can do all the tricks.  Swing your toes to the bar, muscle up on the rings, run like a bear is chasing you & enjoy a heavy barbell like it’s candy.  You enjoy competing and get excited when you hear there are odd objects involved. 

Dumbbells ONLY - This is similar to the beginner category but workouts will include dumbbells in place of a barbell.  This category is for athletes that don’t fit the above 3 categories (RX, intermediate, beginner) but are ready to go toe to toe with their peers. Expect WODs that will require determination and doing hard things just like the beginners.